christian weight loss + ex-gay ministries

Seeking the Straight and Narrow

University of Chicago Press (2011)

Losing weight and changing your sexual orientation are both notoriously difficult to do successfully. Yet many faithful evangelical Christians believe that thinness and heterosexuality are godly ideals —and that God will provide reliable paths toward them for those who fall short. Seeking the Straight and Narrow is a fascinating account of the world of evangelical efforts to alter our strongest bodily desires.

Drawing on fieldwork at First Place, a popular Christian weight-loss program, and Exodus International, a network of ex-gay ministries, Lynne Gerber explores why some Christians feel that being fat or gay offends God, what exactly they do to lose weight or go straight, and how they make sense of the program’s results—or, frequently, their lack. Gerber notes the differences and striking parallels between the two programs, and, more broadly, she traces the ways that other social institutions have attempted to contain the excesses associated with fatness and homosexuality. Challenging narratives that place evangelicals in constant opposition to dominant American values, Gerber shows that these programs reflect the often overlooked connection between American cultural obsessions and Christian ones.


Seeking the Straight and Narrow is a welcome and creative contribution to our understandings of the religious and the secular, the body and sexuality, and the centrality of varied notions of change in projects of self-making across these domains.”

Karl Bryant, American Journal of Sociology


“Gerber shows that there is no coherent challenge to an oppressively dominant, Protestant-rooted ideology of thinness.”

Rachel Marie Stone, The Christian Century


Homosexuality and Weight Loss in the Evangelical Context,” Lambda Literary (12 February 2012), with Susan Stinson

Praying to Be Skinny and Straight,” Salon (21 January 2012), with Hannah Tepper

Dieting, Jesus, and Sex: The Body as Moral Battleground,” Religion Dispatches (4 January 2012)


Netflix’s ‘Pray Away’ Confronts the Lies of the Ex-Gay Movement,” Religion & Politics (10 August 2021)

Is Change Possible? Shifting the Ex-Gay Question,” Religion Dispatches (11 July 2012)

Weigh-In,” Frequencies (2 January 2012)

Ex-Gay Conversion Therapy: Choosing Religion over Sex,” Religion Dispatches (8 August 2011)

chapters + articles

The Christian Dieter’s Dilemma: Abundance and Restriction in Two Christian Weight Loss Programs,” Fat Studies 4.2 (April 2015), pp. 127-140

Grit, Guts, and Vanilla Beans: Godly Masculinity in the Ex-Gay Movement,” Gender and Society 29.1 (Feb 2015), pp. 26-50

“‘Queerish’ Celibacy: Reorienting Marriage in the Ex-Gay Movement,” Queer Christianities: Lived Religion in Transgressive Forms, ed. Kathleen T. Talvacchia, Mark Larrimore and Michael F. Pettinger (NYU 2014)

Telling Contested Stories: Conflicts of Accountability in Engaged Scholarship,” Practical Matters (1 March 2013)

Fat Christians and Fit Elites: Negotiating Class and Status in Evangelical Christian Weight-Loss Culture,” American Quarterly 64.1 (March 2012), pp. 61-84

My Body is a Testimony: Appearance, Health, and Sin in an Evangelical Weight-loss Program,” Social Compass 56.3 (2009)

The Opposite of Gay: Nature, Creation, and Queerish Ex-Gay Experiments,” Nova Religio 11.4 (2008), pp. 8-30

Health, Moralization, and Negotiating Judgment in Two Evangelical Ministries,” Fieldwork in Religion 3.1 (2008), pp. 7-28

Blue Chip Bodies, Fat Phobia, and the Cultural Economy of Body Size,” with Sara Quinn, in Bodily Inscriptions: Interdisciplinary Explorations into Embodiment, ed. Lori Duin Kelly (Cambridge 2008), pp. 1-27


religion + AIDS